Wish for Full House
Minamiza "Maneki-gaki" Begins7 November 2013 - Tradition/CulturePhoto= Maneki billboards on which actors' names are written in the unique "Kanteiryu" style (9:10 a.m., November 7, Myodenji Temple, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto)
The event called "Maneki-gaki," in which names of the Kabuki actors are written on billboards, took place at Myodenji Temple, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, on November 7. The billboards will be arranged at the entrance of the Minamiza Theater, Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto, during "Kichirei Kaomise Kogyo," or an all-star performance of Kabuki, which is a December feature in Kyoto.
Each of the boards is a solid timber of Japanese cypress of about 1.8 meters long and about 30 centimeters wide. The writing is characterized by its ink mixed with refined sake for a glazing effect, and by "Kanteiryu," or a uniquely rounded calligraphy style, wishing for a full house.
In the work area set in "Kyakuden," or the temple's guest hall, Seiho Kawakatsu, a calligrapher, soaked his brush with ink and powerfully applied brush strokes to the white wooden boards. Written in black ink on the boards are the names of popular actors, such as "Ennosuke Ichikawa," who will succeed to this name in the upcoming Kaomise performance.
This year, a total of 64 boards will be placed on the facade of the Minamiza Theater in the morning on November 25, during the event called "Maneki-age." The Kaomise performance will be held from November 30 to December 26.
(translated by Galileo, Inc.)