Spring Boats on Thrilling Torrent
Hozu-gawa River Boat Ride in Kyoto27 March 2016 - Sightseeing/EventsPhoto= Hozu-gawa River Boat splashing downstream through the rapids (Kameoka City, Kyoto Prefecture)
Hozu-gawa River Boat Ride began its operation with their boats equipped in the spring version on March 10 to enjoy the thrills of rapid streams and the scenic beauty of the gorge between Kameoka City, Kyoto Prefecture and Kyoto City. After the covers for cold weather were removed from them, the boats splendidly traveled down the river swollen with the previous day's rain.
Every year on this day, the boat association removes the roofs and the enclosures from the boats to operate the boat ride service. The amount of weekday regular service is increased from four to seven times a day. At the boarding site in Hozu-cho, Kameoka City, tourists and connected people got on the boats decorated with flowers and streamers. The boats departed shortly after 10:30 a.m. In the cold wind, the boats traveled amid the spray toward Arashiyama, Kyoto City, about 16 kilometers downstream.
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